Netball, Tarik Tali then High School Musical 3
okay again, what a day ;D we had a blast. it was amazing and of cs exhausting ! haha
netball; i was the timekeeper and the reserve cheerleader aka RC. we got 2nd place ;) it's okay, we tried our best. time recess, sausage puke again haha, and we talked and talked abt Amir's crying history ;D we had fun
tarik tali; konon teror maen la kan, trcampak hbs. we lose, saguhati okay lah tuu. the boys gile smangt, optimis plus kualiti. they gt 1st place. yela, they were like HUGE, you knw. compared to us, we're like ants ;D
THE BEST PART; JUSCO time ! wow, we had a blast here. movies, mcd-ing, shopping, chocolate dipping, praying, fuhhh . everywhre we went, we laughd, we talked esp craps haha ! even in the surau, imagine tht. we took so many pictures, really enjoy tht 2 till 7 pm thre. High School Musical 3, awesome man !