i would start this post with a very huge crazy laugh HAHA. crazy enough? okay good. lets begin with .. i'll run tomorrow! okay so what? fyi, i'm bored. this is another crappy post. i miss my friends, in and out. (means here and there) pfft, see! too obvious my friend. world is too huge, i'm lost in the middle :p being an assistant to Faisal is not that hard, i have a problem with the BKK stuff. beybeyh! i am LAMEEEE. to dudes too. so, school is not that hard, neither easy. okay, it is fine. i am holding too much pressure from the surroundings. they won't shut the damn mouths! SARCASM is what you called, ding dong (!) i don't want to hear your whatsoever talk, ok? it gives me headache. do you mind? SHUT UP? thank you
i am texting with him now, so WOW! (alah minah ni, tu pun nak kecoh!) i'll get that a lot, right Nik? haha problems problems. too mush pressure, i'll burst to tears. i get along with both of them, kinda fun. they are sweet, sometimes spicy. c'mon Huda, you can do more than that! huh
btw, "Serunai Malam" still in my head. Umar and Safiah :p you you, i i