The great examination and interpretation of mine seem yet to come and conquer this whole entire body. Physically and mentally. I am trying to stay focus on one scene, this one extraordinary scene that no one could ever replace it, nor obliterate it. They have given me chances to improve myself to be a better person, and unfortunately, I did not give a damn what they were giving to me. Now, I need to become the warrior of my life, the one that will forever stand by my side, protecting me. This one last chance they are giving me, I will not let these thoughtful people manipulate this sixteen-yet-seventeen old girl.
Appreciation has yet discovered, and honestly, I am loving it. Shed tears when all your beloved taking care of you, and hoping that you will be cared enough. To not want to see you hanging around this loiters in front of the shopping mall. To not want to see you coming back home late cause you when clubbing with guys you knew three seconds ago. And to not want to see you become a spoil brat cause you always beg your sugar daddy to buy you those unfortunate stuffs that you can't afford. These are when it is the right time for you to shed tears.
Maybe Fariha was right. Maybe Mira was right. Maybe Wani was right. Maybe Fatin was right. Maybe Hanah was right. Maybe Illy was right. Maybe Ira was right. Maybe Adlin was right. Maybe Aimi was right. Maybe Teeros was right. Maybe Biha was right. Maybe Ezzaty was right. And maybe Ally was right. I do outspoken. And I am very out and very open. Cause I know, Aisyah was right too :) even though there were ups and downs and sometimes I cannot forgive whatever these people have done to me, but actually they are teaching me to become a better, a superior person.