Diyanah Muis, this girl yeah. Very pretty, very smart, too intelligent :) I've known this girl since I was four, four right? We grew up together, kind of together. We don't argue that much; yeah I can still count them. Old times, kindergarten and primary, I used to call her AKAK. I don't know why, maybe because her twin sister calls her that. I am more mature now, cehh, so I decided to call her Diyanah, better for a sixteen y/o girl right? We love to cycle, and we are on our 'sugar-diet'? lol, it do lost my weight :) bffffff, F stands for ?
Fatin Liyana, I've known her since form two, actually we are best buds since standard two I guess, but she was away to Vietnam, but we met again last two years. We approve ourselves as husband and wife. Today I'm the husband, tomorrow I'm the wife :P we are like meant to be together, everywhere she goes, I'll be there. We are like twins too, because our birth date is next to each other, and her identity card number is close to mine, coincidence? Yeah! Plus, she is a pretty babe, very pretty :)
Nik Deanna, one of my super awesome friends. She knows how to have fun, fun with capital F-U-N. She sits next to me in class, to lab, to assembly, to toilet? We will be together. We share our thoughts, and love exchanging hot stories and problems. Teacher, she is a good "Pengawas Rakan Sebaya". Making fun of our teachers is the must! You should hear our laughs, dude it is loud, maximum of loudness. Thank God I found her :)
Zafirah, she is cool. Like, super cool- no superpowers. You can't easily attack her, because she got her own personal branded weapons. Her English is puuhh, not like mine though. She's very good at it. She is my JB soul mate, old times. But know, she's my updater, new hot songs, I'll refer to her. She is easily pissed, so you better watch out. But still, she is nice, internal and external :) I won't lose you, no matter what ok?
My Bunchy Guys- Faisal, Asyraaf and Shazrul, they are the best boy friends ever. So nice, so sweet. Very caring, and they got money! So again, I won't bring my purse anymore, lol. Faisal is my bodyguard, so after 10 Feb, you are going to be my full-time first class bodyguard, since Yana 's sisters won't be here anymore. Serve you right :P Asyraaf or as known as Budak Penggawa Timur, he is like I mentioned it before. Too hilarious, many stupid jokes ;D Happy life in Johor, dude. Next one will be Shazrul, this guy, you won't regret having a friend like him. Too kind, he cares about others. So down to earth kind of boy. Very good in bowling though, bowling superstar wannabe? haha
Friendship is important; I do not dare to lose you guys.
Friday, January 30
blunk current head ?
And I could tell you
His favorite color's green
He loves to argue
Born on the seventeenth
His sister's beautiful
He has his father's eyes
And if you ask me if I love him..
I'd lie
what a coincidence ? like a huge coincidence ! currently, im listening to this, thanks to my Nikky Dea :) so my dream being an immortal is 100% not coming true, so does faisal's. dreamt that he is in heaven after he got bitten by a shark, when surfing this animated waves, very cool animated waves. wow, as you think it is.
yesterday i watched Bridewars. hillarious yeah ! you know what, lately, everything that i watched, it just telling me about the beauty of friendship, best friend and all of that. c'mon, i know i'll be missing two of them, im not getting too emotional though. but it is true. ok, bridewars is about bestfriend, most of songs i listen to are about pure friendship, and guess what, commercial pop me out too. and i stopped by at Nik's blog, she wrote something about friends, and yes babe, i think this is the right time too. since everyone is moving away.
ps; i do not gamble, and i want to be an immortal. God knows why :P
His favorite color's green
He loves to argue
Born on the seventeenth
His sister's beautiful
He has his father's eyes
And if you ask me if I love him..
I'd lie
what a coincidence ? like a huge coincidence ! currently, im listening to this, thanks to my Nikky Dea :) so my dream being an immortal is 100% not coming true, so does faisal's. dreamt that he is in heaven after he got bitten by a shark, when surfing this animated waves, very cool animated waves. wow, as you think it is.
yesterday i watched Bridewars. hillarious yeah ! you know what, lately, everything that i watched, it just telling me about the beauty of friendship, best friend and all of that. c'mon, i know i'll be missing two of them, im not getting too emotional though. but it is true. ok, bridewars is about bestfriend, most of songs i listen to are about pure friendship, and guess what, commercial pop me out too. and i stopped by at Nik's blog, she wrote something about friends, and yes babe, i think this is the right time too. since everyone is moving away.
ps; i do not gamble, and i want to be an immortal. God knows why :P
glorious holiday
i think i am getting old, the coughs tell me why. and my back, God it hurts. i really need a medical checkup, don't you think ? i know one person who'll agree with me, my bodyguard for sure. he just can't stop saying that im old. isi borang dude, go to hell xD so, i keep on coughing and sneezing, when this would end ? huh,
last day, i went to midv with my friends. bowling, movie, sushi ? haha yummy lol, asyraaf is a big eater, and that explains it. nevermind, it his money though. one thing i realize, i dont need to bring my purse when hanging around with this bunchy guys cs they'll pay everything. like most of it. cool, rather than carrying that heavy bag, pfft. ding dong, im OLD !
so tomorrow is another day, i didn't finish reading my Reader's Digest yet. ok, maybe i didn't finished up my homework yet. to much to cover. moving on beybeyh ! <3 i need to be an immortal,
last day, i went to midv with my friends. bowling, movie, sushi ? haha yummy lol, asyraaf is a big eater, and that explains it. nevermind, it his money though. one thing i realize, i dont need to bring my purse when hanging around with this bunchy guys cs they'll pay everything. like most of it. cool, rather than carrying that heavy bag, pfft. ding dong, im OLD !
so tomorrow is another day, i didn't finish reading my Reader's Digest yet. ok, maybe i didn't finished up my homework yet. to much to cover. moving on beybeyh ! <3 i need to be an immortal,
Sunday, January 25
no reservation
my day was okay, 80% okay, i think ? pfft nthg much to say, my body stayed active till 4 o'clock, and my daydream ended about 5.30. a very good rest. i bought rings, my mum paid for it, of course. like yeah, i won't use mine :P Sister's ring. no purity ring like the JoBros. Just something that we decided to wear it together, like Sisters For Life ! *wide smile. beautiful, yeah. price ? hmm 50+20, you do the math, cent is the better symbol.
last night news was not okay. yeah, for sure i am sad, still. but nevermind. i just need to work hard now, focusing on this not-so-cool world. at least i can accompany zafirah here, she will love it. sadly, my two best friends will be gone. not literally gone, just they'll be moving away, to a new school, TKC. i was hoping for this one, but i am not that lucky. if there is an elf, telling me that i have one wish, and i can wish anything this world have. oh my life is completely perfect. waiting for the world to spread a news about existence of elves.
i'll bear this in mind, "friends forever and forever and forever and more"
last night news was not okay. yeah, for sure i am sad, still. but nevermind. i just need to work hard now, focusing on this not-so-cool world. at least i can accompany zafirah here, she will love it. sadly, my two best friends will be gone. not literally gone, just they'll be moving away, to a new school, TKC. i was hoping for this one, but i am not that lucky. if there is an elf, telling me that i have one wish, and i can wish anything this world have. oh my life is completely perfect. waiting for the world to spread a news about existence of elves.
i'll bear this in mind, "friends forever and forever and forever and more"
Friday, January 23
one more to go
i am freaking out. the whole world is gonna fall down to me. this is the new beginning, the new temptation. im hoping 100% on it, and i pray for it every sigle time. but God knows better, what is the best. if i couldn't make it, i'll move on. do what is the best. throw away the negativity. and work hard for a bright future.
it is gonna be, what it is gonna be. and my 'BE' will be the best 'BE' that i have ever had. and i will thank everyone that helps me achieve this precious 'BE'
i don't gamble :P Laughing Out Loud
it is gonna be, what it is gonna be. and my 'BE' will be the best 'BE' that i have ever had. and i will thank everyone that helps me achieve this precious 'BE'
i don't gamble :P Laughing Out Loud
Sunday, January 18
just so you know
my shiny day was okay. awkwardly awkward, my phone was not buzzing to tune. no one is texting me today, includes call. and of course, i am so sickien' boring ! i finished up my amazing vampire series already, and to dwindle this boredness, my piano helps. im working on Bella's Lullaby. still, im a bit frustrated, not bcs of that song, bcs my internal emotion problem. you want to know ? neah, forgt it, doesn't matter anymore.
i completed half of my schoolwork. that's a relief. and i watched THS A to Zac. kinda cool, but not so cool. my fav books now, would be the text books. so much to learn, so little time :P thanks to God, my round out number is 41, so i can chill, and memorized it next week. huh, i got nothing to tell neither write in this most surfed website (?) :D
i better shut my mouth now. toodles guys !
i completed half of my schoolwork. that's a relief. and i watched THS A to Zac. kinda cool, but not so cool. my fav books now, would be the text books. so much to learn, so little time :P thanks to God, my round out number is 41, so i can chill, and memorized it next week. huh, i got nothing to tell neither write in this most surfed website (?) :D
i better shut my mouth now. toodles guys !
I do not hate you
*you do not hate me (opposite; every word)
you are the first, first look that caught my eyes. like a tingling magical came out from your face. it makes me wonder, why is that happening ? why me, the only one that can see the sparkly stars, the shiny new moon, the hallow dark night. since then, i found my speaker, who explained it very detail of everything that confused my head. i am willing to know the truth, not the lies. you have given me the chance, and i will not prove anything to you, cs for me, you still that last-time monster, that knocked my closet and freaked me out. you should hear the lullaby, maybe it will tell you something. makes you realize, that you should thank me, for whatever i have done to always make you happy. i am not asking for anything, just say I HATE YOU <3 that is not hard, isn't it ? i am holding your give now, waiting for you to take it back. replacing with the other one. share it with the new person. but to sorry, i can't find the touch, sweetest touch that makes me froze like a pure ice. you are neither the heat nor the light. you are not the rythm, let just say, you are not the ONE.
*hey, i can be deep sometimes :P
you are the first, first look that caught my eyes. like a tingling magical came out from your face. it makes me wonder, why is that happening ? why me, the only one that can see the sparkly stars, the shiny new moon, the hallow dark night. since then, i found my speaker, who explained it very detail of everything that confused my head. i am willing to know the truth, not the lies. you have given me the chance, and i will not prove anything to you, cs for me, you still that last-time monster, that knocked my closet and freaked me out. you should hear the lullaby, maybe it will tell you something. makes you realize, that you should thank me, for whatever i have done to always make you happy. i am not asking for anything, just say I HATE YOU <3 that is not hard, isn't it ? i am holding your give now, waiting for you to take it back. replacing with the other one. share it with the new person. but to sorry, i can't find the touch, sweetest touch that makes me froze like a pure ice. you are neither the heat nor the light. you are not the rythm, let just say, you are not the ONE.
*hey, i can be deep sometimes :P
Saturday, January 17
im acting like i dont care
karam di hati bilakah sudah ?
luka di hati siapa yang tahu
im going to stick with this poem, KOT ? haha since my beloved is running away from me, and, it is not my fault. sincerely, i didn't miss my blog, at all. but i missed reading yours. nothing much to tell, world is falling down on me. school works make my head spinning 360 degrees. and my oral is seriously suck, whole- top to bottom.
*heyy, im not complaining (big smile)
luka di hati siapa yang tahu
im going to stick with this poem, KOT ? haha since my beloved is running away from me, and, it is not my fault. sincerely, i didn't miss my blog, at all. but i missed reading yours. nothing much to tell, world is falling down on me. school works make my head spinning 360 degrees. and my oral is seriously suck, whole- top to bottom.
*heyy, im not complaining (big smile)
Sunday, January 11
i woke up late, God i felt soooooooooo bad ! supposed to meet Faisal a.k.a my first class bodyguard at Miadin. Muahaha to have breakfast. Unfortunately, these sleepy eyes ruin the out-ing.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, sorry sorry sorry, dari hujung rambut ke hujung kaki. i mean it ok ? please don't be mad. im an old lady right ? *nyanyuk :P we postpone it next week if you don't mind ? i still need you as my bodyguard LOL
one more SORRY-post, hmmm this is well describe that i am an old lady
i am 16. no i am 61. pfft
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, sorry sorry sorry, dari hujung rambut ke hujung kaki. i mean it ok ? please don't be mad. im an old lady right ? *nyanyuk :P we postpone it next week if you don't mind ? i still need you as my bodyguard LOL
one more SORRY-post, hmmm this is well describe that i am an old lady
i am 16. no i am 61. pfft
Saturday, January 10
sorry to say
i wont have enough time to post blog, like last time. maybe if there is anything quite fascinating to tell, then i'll post it. i got oral to handle, i didn't finish up my assignment yet and for sure, i got tons of homework to do. and studies to recover
again, i felt sorry to myself
happy life Bloggers, toodles xx
again, i felt sorry to myself
happy life Bloggers, toodles xx
Tuesday, January 6
fighting for one
oh how im willing to confront your stunning face, pulling your silky wtv type of hair, and kick your furry big butt out of my way.
hey, im not here satisfying anyone, and that includes you. im not chasing your beloved boy, you morown ! live in the fact that everyone has their internal changes, like their mind or something. and you don't have the right to rule my world; i unconditionally hate you so much. let him go, you got yours :)
willing to lend him to me ? *wild laugh with a tongue out :P
hey, im not here satisfying anyone, and that includes you. im not chasing your beloved boy, you morown ! live in the fact that everyone has their internal changes, like their mind or something. and you don't have the right to rule my world; i unconditionally hate you so much. let him go, you got yours :)
willing to lend him to me ? *wild laugh with a tongue out :P
Monday, January 5
bodyguard helps a lot
1. Do you think you’re hot?
i am a very humble kinda girl, and i am absolutely think that i am not hot. haha too much explanation ?
2. Upload your favorite picture of you.

3. Why do you like that picture?
it is my very own seashells collection ! aha
4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
let me refresh my memories, last two weeks if i'm not mistaken
5. The last song you listen to?
Let me Sign by Robert Pattinson
6. What are you doing right now besides this?
sitting on my sofa, listen to those brand-old songs :D
7. What name you would prefer besides yours?
i like my name, haven't figure it out yet. nope, no other name
8.People to tag.
2)Fatin Liyana
*btw Nik, you buat jgk, im not tagging you cs haziq already did
9. Who is number one?
my precious most glorious best friend '_'
10. Number three is having a relationship with?
ask her lah, i am not breaking any promisses
11. Say something about number five?
my guy loves her :P
12. How about number four?
super-cool boy, mys is the connection
13. Who is number two?
my husband-wife :D haha
i am a very humble kinda girl, and i am absolutely think that i am not hot. haha too much explanation ?
2. Upload your favorite picture of you.

3. Why do you like that picture?
it is my very own seashells collection ! aha
4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
let me refresh my memories, last two weeks if i'm not mistaken
5. The last song you listen to?
Let me Sign by Robert Pattinson
6. What are you doing right now besides this?
sitting on my sofa, listen to those brand-old songs :D
7. What name you would prefer besides yours?
i like my name, haven't figure it out yet. nope, no other name
8.People to tag.
2)Fatin Liyana
*btw Nik, you buat jgk, im not tagging you cs haziq already did
9. Who is number one?
my precious most glorious best friend '_'
10. Number three is having a relationship with?
ask her lah, i am not breaking any promisses
11. Say something about number five?
my guy loves her :P
12. How about number four?
super-cool boy, mys is the connection
13. Who is number two?
my husband-wife :D haha
book conquers all
Sun didn’t rise yet, birds didn’t chirp yet, I still can hear the morning breeze wind up my room. I got off my freaking tired butt of my bed. Went to the other room to wake up my two astonish sisters. Ok, enough with the description of today’s morning. As usual, we get ready ourselves by showering, putting the brand new white-blue uniform on, eating breakfast, and fetching schoolbag then off to school. And to let you know, I arrived late on my first day of school, but thanks to God, no one noticed it because everybody was busy searching their class line.
I’m in 4 Alpha, sit beside Nik in class. Because of a brand New Year and everything is new, we got new classmates, I mean new students- or friends? wtv. Do I need to mention their names here? You find it out yourself, ok? LOL. And I know this one, she came all the way from Terengganu, seems nice by the way. Start talking about teachers now, well, they are, quite strict, but still, fun- maybe? A bit, right?
I was overwhelmed with the new environment, new teachers and new class. And I absolute wish that my two most very best friend could be there sharing all the thoughts about the new things. So, my mood was kind of down today, thinking, worrying about a lot of things. You don’t have to know, this is a serious kind of madness that conquers my head. After recess, teachers were giving explanation or refreshments about what are going to happen in this brand New Year, and what subjects that suits us. A very much thank you, but I was so sleepy, waiting when to get my head on the floor- snoring *zzz.
I think I’m going to stop writing this crappy whatsoever post. I’ll post once a day maybe, or wait for an agenda to come. Toodles
Hugs kisses
I’m in 4 Alpha, sit beside Nik in class. Because of a brand New Year and everything is new, we got new classmates, I mean new students- or friends? wtv. Do I need to mention their names here? You find it out yourself, ok? LOL. And I know this one, she came all the way from Terengganu, seems nice by the way. Start talking about teachers now, well, they are, quite strict, but still, fun- maybe? A bit, right?
I was overwhelmed with the new environment, new teachers and new class. And I absolute wish that my two most very best friend could be there sharing all the thoughts about the new things. So, my mood was kind of down today, thinking, worrying about a lot of things. You don’t have to know, this is a serious kind of madness that conquers my head. After recess, teachers were giving explanation or refreshments about what are going to happen in this brand New Year, and what subjects that suits us. A very much thank you, but I was so sleepy, waiting when to get my head on the floor- snoring *zzz.
I think I’m going to stop writing this crappy whatsoever post. I’ll post once a day maybe, or wait for an agenda to come. Toodles
Hugs kisses
Sunday, January 4
She's just that girl
You send me something
I don't want to respond it but I did
You kept snuggling into my head
Forgive you by a fake begging
She won't stop torching me like this
I know what I do
And this whole thing
Got nothing to do with you
Please back off
Me and you
We don't deserve this stupid humiliation
I don't want to respond it but I did
You kept snuggling into my head
Forgive you by a fake begging
She won't stop torching me like this
I know what I do
And this whole thing
Got nothing to do with you
Please back off
Me and you
We don't deserve this stupid humiliation
Saturday, January 3
Volvo c30
i woke up EARLY today, 10.41 ! early huh ? my eyes were searching for the sun, it's raining, heavilly 'raining cats and dogs' right ? ok whatever. and as usual, get off of bed, fetch my beloved Breaking Dawn and went downstairs. it was cold, yeah everybody was still snoring except for me and my mum. we are early risers ! huh, yea right. sat on my comfy comfy sofa and read a chapter. just ONE chapter. we decided to go to school to buy my books and to Bangi, to made an appointment with the dentist. so much for a gap ;P it was still raining, A WET SATURDAY. because of the 'too long' line and there were too many people infront of the bookstore, we changed plan to head home first and come back around 2. that is what you deserve for a last-minute preparation.
done with the books, cikgu Puteri's, registeration, we headed to KL to buy a car ? haha sort of. since HE loves car so much and HE hates our brand-old car, HE wanted to buy a new one. heh. *still raining. on the way, my parents were talking about my last-night friends. "byk nye name amir" aqilah ddk Alam Damai" knp tak pggil Deanna" and "mcm mn knl Geng Ampang" ?? god, you got a nickname for them ? and everything came out from my mouth, is the truth. don't worry haha. and this is the Oh-My-God part, i don't know why, but my parents adore Taqi so much, lol tepape jee
enough with the friends, geng Ampang and all of that, our first stop was at the Volovo's. we are trying to find the Volvo c30. you don't have to ask me why, watch the movie then you know why :) *spinning 360 degrees. damn it, they are not available at Malaysia yet. it'll be arrive before chinese new year. details much ? huh S40 caught my parent's eyes. but they wanted to think about it first, so THINK WELL haha
i am in my house now, writing this entry. WHAT. A. WET. SATURDAY. by the way, im not gonna be in the same class with ftyn and zaf next week, but don't worry guys, we still can meet up. right ?
hugs kisses
done with the books, cikgu Puteri's, registeration, we headed to KL to buy a car ? haha sort of. since HE loves car so much and HE hates our brand-old car, HE wanted to buy a new one. heh. *still raining. on the way, my parents were talking about my last-night friends. "byk nye name amir" aqilah ddk Alam Damai" knp tak pggil Deanna" and "mcm mn knl Geng Ampang" ?? god, you got a nickname for them ? and everything came out from my mouth, is the truth. don't worry haha. and this is the Oh-My-God part, i don't know why, but my parents adore Taqi so much, lol tepape jee
enough with the friends, geng Ampang and all of that, our first stop was at the Volovo's. we are trying to find the Volvo c30. you don't have to ask me why, watch the movie then you know why :) *spinning 360 degrees. damn it, they are not available at Malaysia yet. it'll be arrive before chinese new year. details much ? huh S40 caught my parent's eyes. but they wanted to think about it first, so THINK WELL haha
i am in my house now, writing this entry. WHAT. A. WET. SATURDAY. by the way, im not gonna be in the same class with ftyn and zaf next week, but don't worry guys, we still can meet up. right ?
hugs kisses
last night is our last night. i mean it, act not that last. MONTHS right ? aha. so much to tell, we had so much fun. plus, we ate a lot ! chicken drumsticks, salad, spaghetti, fruits, sausages, kambing ! bekk bekkk we snapped a lot of pictures. dude, it's a must. and we wouldn't frgt our 'laugh out loud'
i'm waiting for the pictures, i'll update it later. and i think the pictures is enough to describe the whole night :)
andandand, thanks for coming ! haha
i'm waiting for the pictures, i'll update it later. and i think the pictures is enough to describe the whole night :)
andandand, thanks for coming ! haha
Thursday, January 1
Double Date ?
last year- or yesterday. 31st december, 10 to 6 o'clock.
to make it clearer, friendship and lovey-dovey stuck in the head
talking, walking, laughing, joking. two over two
though, i cant describe love *lol :P
you dont get it ? uh, it's nothing for you to know
every step, memories are still here btw
we made a very great team
plus, i got a present- A PRESENT ! haha i'll keep it to myself
to make it clearer, friendship and lovey-dovey stuck in the head
talking, walking, laughing, joking. two over two
though, i cant describe love *lol :P
you dont get it ? uh, it's nothing for you to know
every step, memories are still here btw
we made a very great team
plus, i got a present- A PRESENT ! haha i'll keep it to myself
jumping low
countdown 10 to 1, fireworks- buum baam buum, wishing people by text messages, playing Auld Lang Syne, all to celebrate this new new year, '09. opening a new chapter, the headline suits 2009 :)
2008 had been the best year of my life, too mush memories, too hard to frgt about it. and i wouldn't. yea, there were ups and downs, but i took it, maturely. at school, friends are the one who always keep me accompany. at home, family are the one who spend time with me telling stories. and when im bored, books and phone are the ones who cure this a little bit. it is time to say GOODBYE, to my beloved year :P
move on, 2009 is here, waiting for us to survive it. be ready, be prepare- not a marathon okie ? pfft. another couple of days, we are going back to school, meeting friends, learning new knowledge, reading new text books, it won't be that hard, is it ?
to all of you
2008 had been the best year of my life, too mush memories, too hard to frgt about it. and i wouldn't. yea, there were ups and downs, but i took it, maturely. at school, friends are the one who always keep me accompany. at home, family are the one who spend time with me telling stories. and when im bored, books and phone are the ones who cure this a little bit. it is time to say GOODBYE, to my beloved year :P
move on, 2009 is here, waiting for us to survive it. be ready, be prepare- not a marathon okie ? pfft. another couple of days, we are going back to school, meeting friends, learning new knowledge, reading new text books, it won't be that hard, is it ?
to all of you
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