Monday, January 5

book conquers all

Sun didn’t rise yet, birds didn’t chirp yet, I still can hear the morning breeze wind up my room. I got off my freaking tired butt of my bed. Went to the other room to wake up my two astonish sisters. Ok, enough with the description of today’s morning. As usual, we get ready ourselves by showering, putting the brand new white-blue uniform on, eating breakfast, and fetching schoolbag then off to school. And to let you know, I arrived late on my first day of school, but thanks to God, no one noticed it because everybody was busy searching their class line.

I’m in 4 Alpha, sit beside Nik in class. Because of a brand New Year and everything is new, we got new classmates, I mean new students- or friends? wtv. Do I need to mention their names here? You find it out yourself, ok? LOL. And I know this one, she came all the way from Terengganu, seems nice by the way. Start talking about teachers now, well, they are, quite strict, but still, fun- maybe? A bit, right?

I was overwhelmed with the new environment, new teachers and new class. And I absolute wish that my two most very best friend could be there sharing all the thoughts about the new things. So, my mood was kind of down today, thinking, worrying about a lot of things. You don’t have to know, this is a serious kind of madness that conquers my head. After recess, teachers were giving explanation or refreshments about what are going to happen in this brand New Year, and what subjects that suits us. A very much thank you, but I was so sleepy, waiting when to get my head on the floor- snoring *zzz.

I think I’m going to stop writing this crappy whatsoever post. I’ll post once a day maybe, or wait for an agenda to come. Toodles
Hugs kisses