i am a very humble kinda girl, and i am absolutely think that i am not hot. haha too much explanation ?
2. Upload your favorite picture of you.

3. Why do you like that picture?
it is my very own seashells collection ! aha
4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
let me refresh my memories, last two weeks if i'm not mistaken
5. The last song you listen to?
Let me Sign by Robert Pattinson
6. What are you doing right now besides this?
sitting on my sofa, listen to those brand-old songs :D
7. What name you would prefer besides yours?
i like my name, haven't figure it out yet. nope, no other name
8.People to tag.
2)Fatin Liyana
*btw Nik, you buat jgk, im not tagging you cs haziq already did
9. Who is number one?
my precious most glorious best friend '_'
10. Number three is having a relationship with?
ask her lah, i am not breaking any promisses
11. Say something about number five?
my guy loves her :P
12. How about number four?
super-cool boy, mys is the connection
13. Who is number two?
my husband-wife :D haha