Monday, December 22


ok, you know what, i changed my language to BM- dashboard. aha, CATATAN TERBARU ! weeee gonna stick with this one :P Opsyen ? never knw this word before, lol so much abt BM. back to the headline, i want to be a scientist, a very cool one. with a lot of money and ideas *wish that will happen. here's the thing, i was downstairs with my kiddos- siblings, we were eating. APPLES ! aha

ok ok, we're drinking orange juice. since i miss my Science so much, i wanted to do some experiments, or myb just one. i asked my mum, if we put the colouring- fr cooking in the water, can we drink it ? and she said yes. so, we took all of it. BLUE, GREEN, RED, YELLOW *colourful. added into the orange juice, stir it and wallahh ! it changd colour. from orange to *wtv clour you put in. lol, plus, our teeth chngd colour too :P perfect !

now, how to clear all the colours here, take a toothbrush, yr own toothbrush. and brush yr teeth. all gone, back to normal, white, shiny as it use to be aha :D see, im GOOD, you should try it. next one, i wnt my Chicken Soup to be Blue Chicken Soup. ha ha ?

by the way btw, going to change it Tamil lah, easy huh ? :D