tday was okay, not tht boring. i went here and thre, nthg much to say about. but tht one part, when we were eating, i just cnt stand the words. i LAUGHED like hell, it was crazy man ! i supposed to gt a present, nvm, i'll take care of tht 20 cent of yours. haha ;D
okay, tnght i wtchd Star World. JONAS BROTHERS on the screen ! Yayy ;D it's been a while. btw zaf, i really wnt to do ths sleepover JB stuff. can you please contact me, and when we cn strt ths projct haha. im waiting .. okay, back to the Jonas, they are SUPER FUCKIN DAMN HOT ! they were laughing thre, oh gosh sooo cute ;) BB Good and Video Girl wht they performed. Joe has tht very soft whitey skin. huh haha willing to slap you !
*Robert Pattinson, you are gorgeous