people ! i would like to announce that today IM SICK, like BAAAAAAADDD sick-o ! aha ;D ok, i went to klcc, cs Nik told me tht all the Twilight series tu da arrived at Kinokuniya. unfortunately, again, it didnt. i have to wait after christmas, so, people that are hunting for this Stephenie Meyer's-sold-out book, you can buy them at Kinokuniya- after christmas tq ;)
so, my mum made a reservation. i reserved all those 3 books,cs i already bought the first one. haha ok, and im sick, again *gasping for air. REALLY, i felt so tired, like i wanted to faint. huhh, thank God i didnt. we ate at Manhattan Fish Market, i was not-in-the-mood for eating, but i still ate- a bit *this one, i felt like i wanna PUKE. fgs, i ordered hot chocolate- eating FISH ? ;D silly me
then, my dad wanted to buy a tux, or coat, or jacket .. huh idk, something like that *still gasping for air. we walked walked walked, and im tired haha, i need to sit, and every shop mesti ade chair or sofa. so, not to waste my energy, i SIT a lot today. pfft ;P reached home about 6.20, i straight headed to my comfy sofa and rest my head
that's all for today crapping post. *smile